In the second of my Front Line interviews, I have the pleasure of engaging with author and HBR contributor Dorie Clark, on how our thoughts and ideas can have a real impact “on the ground” beyond ‘clicks and likes.’ Dorie’s two books, Reinventing You (Amazon link here) and Stand Out (Amazon link here), had a profound impact on my own trajectory, taking me from despair to optimism during my incarceration. In this interview (pardon the pause at the 9:30 mark), Dorie discusses the importance of “seizing the narrative” and the real currency of “impact” when it comes to thought leadership. At 30 minutes, this interview can be watched in whole or in parts, but there are lessons to be learned throughout. To see more of Dorie’s work, visit her website here.
Happy to discuss the real currency of “impact” when it comes to thought leadership, @richardbistrong! (video) — Dorie Clark (@dorieclark) September 24, 2015